Canadians are kind and friendly people; at Velosa Immigration, we want to tell you about some of their habits and customs:
1. Tips
Canadians are generally very generous when it comes to tipping. In some restaurants, tips are mandatory; they have the habit of leaving at least a 15% tip for any service they receive. Don't be surprised if the bill comes out slightly more expensive than expected.

2. Take off your shoes when entering a house
Don't go through the pain of entering a house and not taking off your shoes. The vast majority of Canadians take off their shoes prior to entering a home, and this is due to multiple reasons, but the most common one is to protect the floors since many places have wooden floors. For this reason, we recommend wearing socks that are in good condition.

3. They do not greet each other with hugs and kisses
Canadians are not used to greeting each other with hugs and kisses; they try to keep a little distance since they are not used to showing much affection in public spaces

4. Sorry, Sorry
Don't be surprised that you will always hear the word SORRY when you arrive in Canada! This is an expression you will listen to everywhere. In Canada, it is customary to apologize for everything, even when you are not at fault. Most probably, if you come to live in Canada in a couple of years, you will also end up using this expression.

5. EH!
What does the expression EH! mean to Canadians... EH is arguably one of the most used slang expressions in Canada. Canadians use EH to express different things, such as confirming if the other person is listening, getting the listener's attention, emphasizing a topic being talked about, or getting the listener's approval.

6. Checking the weather and temperature
This is a worldwide habit that the residents of this beautiful country adopt in their daily lives. Waking up and checking their cell phone to know what the weather and temperatures will be like during the day is something that Canadians do every morning when they wake up. This makes it easier to know what kind of clothes to wear or activities they can do during the day. Remember to always check the weather before leaving home!

7. Garage Sales
Usually, during spring and summer, you will see garage sale booths in neighborhoods. People use these seasons to sell, at very low prices, products, objects, and clothes they no longer need. We recommend that if you have the opportunity to go to a garage sale, you should do it!

8. Punctuality
Canadians are very respectful of other people's time and are, therefore, very precise with their schedules. They generally try to be 10 to 5 minutes before their appointments. As the saying goes, time is money to them. Always be on time for your appointments in Canada as being late will be interpreted as disrespectful.

What do you think about Canadian customs? We'll read you in the comments.
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