super visa C

The Super Visa allows Canadians to reunite with they parents and grandparents

If you know anything about the sponsorship process for parents and grandparents in Canada then you are aware of the complexity of this process. In fact, there are people that have been waiting close to ten years to sponsor their parents and grandparents. The super visa is an alternative. While it does not grant permanent residency it does permit a longer stay than a regular temporary resident visitor visa.

What is the super visa?

A Super Visa is a type of multiple-entry visa that allows parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to visit Canada for up to five years at a time without the need for renewing their status. It was introduced as a way to allow families to spend more time together while also providing a way for parents and grandparents to visit Canada more frequently.

Since foreign nationals are granted a longer stay there are more requirements than a regular temporary resident visitor visa.


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Reasons why a super visa application can be denied

If the application is denied, the individual can reapply if they address the reasons for the denial and provide additional information, but there are no guarantees that the application will be approved on the second attempt.

If you want to apply we can help schedule your consultation

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