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If you are thinking about emigrating to Canada, we recommend  you to read this blog. In where we discuss what the CELPIP exam is all about,  and how you can prepare for this important exam.

The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program is an English language test used by those who are interested in migrating to Canada either to study or to work. This Canadian English test allows you to demonstrate and measure your skills and ability to communicate in the English language in everyday situations.

It is important to note that there are two types of CELPIP tests. For this reason we recommend researching which test you should take based on your future objectives.

The CELPIP-General LS test is for those who want to apply for Canadian citizenship or a professional designation. This test only tests speaking and listening skills, and is less expensive than the CELPIP-General LS test. The CELPIP-General LS exam lasts approximately one hour.

On the other hand,the CELPIP-General Test, is used by immigrants to apply for permanent residency, but it is also used for professional designation. This test evaluates the ability to speak, read, listen and write. The duration of this test is approximately three hours.

Most people find it difficult to decide between the CELPIP test or the IELTS. Both tests will assess your English language proficiency. Some people are more comfortable with the CELPIP and others prefer to take the IELTS.

The CELPIP exam is only available in the following countries: Canada, Japan, Nigeria, Australia, United Kingdom, Republic of Korea, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, India, China and the United States. This gives you the opportunity to take the exam in any of these countries without the need to travel to Canada.cual te brinda la oportunidad de realizarlo en alguno de estos países sin necesidad de que viajes a Canadá.

If you decide to take the CELPIP exam and want to prepare for this exam, there are several free options available for you to practice:

On the CELPIP exam official website you have access to some free online resources and you can practice as many times as you wish. You can also find a lot of tips and advice about the exam. The official website also gives you the option to buy study materials, which do not exceed $30.00 CAD and you can access these study materials unlimitedly for 6 months. This is an excellent option that we recommend you to consider.

In the scenario you are not content with your score and wish to retake the exam, according to the official CELPIP website you will be able to do so 4 calendar days after your last exam.


At Velosa Immigration we have qualified personnel that can assist  you and guide you through the different immigration pathways that Canada offers. If you are interested in our services and want to schedule an appointment you can do it in this Link :

Hernan del Vecchio

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